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Drink to me only with thine ears

In this Bolzano bar, something special sets the tone. We’re still not sure what.

When you enter the Laurin Bar, listen carefully. If any place has its own melody, it’s this salon in the hotel. The arrangement is supplied by the creaking of the parquet floor, the rustling of newspapers, the footsteps of the staff, the muted voices of townsfolk who know it well, and the new arrivals who are still tuning in to the rhythm. Think of it as your audio interface between Bolzano and the world beyond.

It’s almost as if someone had adjusted the volume controls of the objects inside. If that sounds a bit exaggerated, wait until you stand on the carpet with the stave designed by hotel owner Franz Staffler himself.

Laurin Bistro

Feeling peckish?

Too late for breakfast? Too early for lunch? Skipped dinner for the theatre?
At the Laurin Bistro, we have a soft spot for unconventional guests on the prowl for sweet snacks, club sandwiches, salads or fresh fruit. You’re welcome to take a seat, but please be advised that these sofas can make you linger longer. Then again, it’s good to treat yourself when you’re travelling. And you can always skip the restaurant if you feel so inclined.
Cocktails inspired by the weather
Aperitif meets art
See you under the sunsails

Summer Lounge

What better way to end your day?

Even the townspeople feel as if they’re on holiday in the Summer Lounge. Just walk through the Bar onto the terrace to discover a park that’s truly worthy of the name. You’ll know you’re on the right track when you pass the stone elephants. Suddenly you’re in the middle of the park, surrounded by the latest town gossip and a red Bolzano twilight. Every Thursday, there’s chillout music at the Aperitivo Lungo with a selection of DJs. Don’t be surprised if you’ve never heard of the cocktail you’re drinking before. Innovative drinks are just one more reason to drop by.

Smoker’s Lounge

...and a whisk(e)y to match
If you’re going to smoke, do it properly, Franz Staffler thought when furnishing the Smoker’s Lounge. He sourced the lamps in Vienna, and designed the carpet himself. The furniture was designed by architect Boris Podrecca, and the Davidoff Corner even has a humidor. All you need now is a first-rate whisk(e)y. You can either choose from our fine selection, or drink your own. We’ll be happy to look after your bottle until your next stay at the Laurin.

King Laurin Frescos

Even royals get it wrong sometimes
Just below the ceiling in the bar, King Laurin is in a tight spot. He’s fallen for a beautiful young lady who is definitely not interested. Back in 1910, artist Bruno Goldschmitt took a very tongue-in-cheek view of South Tyrol’s most famous saga, as you can see all around the walls. See for yourself

Cocktails at the Laurin

Remember that drink you used to like?
Morning cappuccino, evening cocktails … it’s all here. Remember that great drink nobody seems to make any more? Our barmen know all the cocktail classics off by heart.

All That Music

Friday Night is Jazz Night

At the Laurin, All that Music means all that jazz – plus blue notes from soul, swing, blues and chansons. For more than 20 years, the Laurin Bar has hosted concerts every Friday from October to May. The programme is compiled by two of South Tyrol’s best-known jazz musicians: Michl Lösch and Helga Plankensteiner, who present a unique line-up of international jazz greats and regional projects. The musicians are so close, you’ll think they were playing in your living room. They play on carpets with a stave design created specially for the Laurin Bar. Look closely – could there be six lines instead of the usual five?

The Laurin Beat

There’s more to life than drinks alone

You can’t go wrong in the Laurin Bar – especially when the week is drawing to a close and people’s spirits are rising. It begins on Thursday evenings with colourful cocktails, small Italian delicacies and DJ music curated by Arno Parmeggiani at Aperitivo lungo. Fridays are for top-flight jazz, with musicians from Italy and around the world. And on Saturdays you can sit down and play the grand piano yourself – or listen to the pianists we select to ease you into your evening with Live Piano Music. On Sundays we serve brunch for late risers and early birds alike. What better way to get set for the week to come?

Opening hours and contacts

Laurin Bar: daily from 7 AM to 1 AM
Summer Lounge: June to September daily from 10 AM to 01 AM ⁄ Tel. +39 0471 311570

Bozen’s cocktail hotspot

What’s in this year?

Not many cocktail bars are as compact and intimate as the Grifoncino. Located in Hotel Greif, just a few steps away from the Laurin, this is a place where design, good taste and Zeitgeist blend effortlessly. Insiders often ask barkeeper Christian Gruber and his team what they recommend instead of ordering from the menu. The latest cocktails are perfect for summer – as is the Rooftop Lounge, tucked away between the town houses.

Opening hours and contacts

Grifoncino: Tue - Sat from 5 PM to 12 AM
Summer Rooftop Lounge: from May to October ⁄ Tel. +39 0471 318000



Follow us on

Parkhotel Laurin
Bolzano,South Tyrol, ItalyVia Laurin 4Tel.: +39 0471 311 000 / Fax: 

Opening hours

7.00 am – 10.30 am
Every day
07.00 am - 01.00 am
Open 24 / 7
Check in from 3.00 pm, check out by 12.00 pm

Please see also